Apricot Jam

Jars of apricot jam

June 24, 2017

Food in Jars Mastery Challenge #6

Participating in this month’s Mastery Challenge was easy because making apricot jam has become one of my annual traditions. My good friend Michelle shared this recipe with me a few years ago and I’ve been making it ever since. She, in turn, learned it from her mother-in-law. It’s perfect in its simplicity and I feel that it’s stood the test of time.

I prefer homemade apricot jam over store bought – it’s not overly sweet and it has a better consistency (I like it a little looser, more easy to spread). I also use more apricot jam throughout the year than any other jam. I mix it into my morning Greek yogurt, I use it in baking to glaze tarts and fruits, and it’s delicious on toast.

Fresh apricots and cookbooks on preserving

This recipe is so simple and uses just three ingredients – apricots, sugar, and lemon. I think it’s a good recipe for someone just starting out making jam. Just follow all of the well-documented instructions for canning and canning safety. Michelle also told me that you could skip the water bath and keep the jars in the fridge for several months. Her family goes through it quickly so there’s no concern about the jam going bad.

Michelle also pointed out that this recipe is very similar to one published by David Lebovitz for his No-Recipe Cherry Jam. It’s a matter of knowing the right proportions of fruit to sugar.

How to make apricot jam

Step #1: Mix the fruit and sugar

This recipe uses a 1:1 ratio of fruit to sugar. I usually use 4 pounds of apricot. Now that bags of sugar are 4 instead of 5 pounds it makes measuring easy. For this amount of apricots I use the juice of 2 lemons. Everything goes into one of my largest pots.

The fruit is stoned and cut up (no need to remove the skins). At first it may seem that there isn’t enough liquid but the fruit will start macerating quickly. 

Making apricot jam - mixing the fruit and sugar

Step #2: Removing foam while cooking

During the cooking process quite a bit of foam is generated and it has to be skimmed off. There are times that I feel that the foam will never go away but eventually it does. As with many things it just takes patience.

Making apricot jam - removing the foam while the fruit cooks

Step #3: Cook until the desired consistency is reached

Once the foam is removed the jam will start to darken as it continues to cook. The jam is cooked to the preferred consistency (using your favorite method for testing e.g. the plate in the freezer method). 

Making apricot jam - cooking is finished

Step #4: Run the jam through a food mill

Next the jam is run through a food mill to remove the skins. Use a medium-sized hole so bits of fruit remain (you don’t want it too smooth).

Making apricot jam - running the cooked fruit through a food mill

Step #5: Fill the jam jars and process

Finally, the jam is ladled into sterilized jars and processed in a water bath.

Making apricot jam - filling the jars

Step #6: Enjoy!

When all is done you have jars of beautiful, jewel-toned apricot jam ready for the coming year.

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Jars of apricot jam

Apricot Jam

  • Author: Michelle Cuénoud
  • Total Time: 1 hour, 10 minutes
  • Yield: 88 1x


A simple recipe that lets the fruit shine.



4 pounds of apricots, stoned, skin on, cut into pieces

4 pounds of sugar

Juice of 2 lemons


Place the fruit, sugar, and lemon juice into a large pot. Cook on medium heat, stirring frequently being careful not to let the mixture bubble over.

Carefully skim off the foam that develops as the jam cooks (quite a bit of foam will form over the 30-40 minutes of cooking time). Follow the preferred method for testing the consistency of the jam but you’ll know it’s done when all the fruit is broken down and translucent. The juice will be darker than when you started and nice and clear.

Carefully run the jam through a food mill using a medium-sized hole into a clean pot. Ladle into sterilized jars. You could also crack the stone and remove the smooth bitter almond inside, placing one in each jar. I’ve never done this (I’m lazy) but Michelle says it adds a little almond flavor to the jam.

Wipe the rims, apply the lids and rings, and process in a boiling water bath.*


*For proper water bath canning procedures, please see https://www.freshpreserving.com/blog?cid=water-bath-canning.

  • Prep Time: 30 minutes
  • Cook Time: 40 minutes
  • Category: Jam, Preserves
  • Cuisine: American


  • Serving Size: 2 tablespoons
  • Calories: 31.85
  • Sugar: 7.42 g.
  • Sodium: 1.94 mg.
  • Fat: 0.09 g.
  • Saturated Fat: 0.01 g.
  • Carbohydrates: 7.98 g.
  • Fiber: 0.47 g.
  • Protein: 0.31 g.
  • Cholesterol: 0

Keywords: jam, apricot

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