Boston You’re My Home – #BostonStrong

April 13, 2013

As you know I’m a sometimes reluctant, transplanted Bostonian. But this week, like so many, I embraced this city and felt the solidarity with those around me and am proud to call Boston my home. There’s nothing I can say that will fully capture the events of this past week or the gamut of emotions that continue to run through our hearts – fear, sadness, loss, grief, anger, defiance, pride and every other emotion in between.

How do I describe walking home that sunny Monday afternoon where every trash can was menacing, where the sight of police in full gear carrying automatic weapons did not comfort me, where ambulances raced by avoiding each other in their haste to bring their patients to the ER? How do I describe that Friday being woken up by calls from the city to stay home and to not venture out, spending the day home alone with eyes glued to the local news and my Twitter stream desperate for news of a capture? How do I describe the emotions of standing in the Garden before a Bruins game seeing images of those we have lost whom we didn’t even know, a packed house of fans singing the National Anthem, tears streaming down our faces?

Daily I question how these events have affected me and will continue to affect me. In an instant the sights, sounds, and emotions of 9/11 were brought back, assaulting my unprepared heart and mind. But instead of this happening to another city, it was happening to my city. Even as I sit here writing, the emotions are welling up and I know that I haven’t fully processed these events. I continue to struggle with making sense so that I can move through and move on. Not to forget, never to forget.

But there is so much good in the world – all the first responders, the police, fireman, doctors, nurses, paramedics, military who would modestly say they were just doing their jobs. And the ordinary citizens who didn’t even think but just acted, jumping in to help those they could. Everyone felt the need to do what they could, to give what they could.

Since this is food blog, let me highlight just a few examples of how the food industry in Boston came together to support our city. I wish I could feature everyone but the generosity of this community, not just the food industry, is overwhelming so a big shout out to everyone who gave so generously and continue to support the efforts throughout the city.

One of the earliest examples I saw was a tweet from El Pelon Taqueria (@ElPelonTaqueria) – reaching out to offer service, food, and human comfort and contact:

And in the following days, restaurants and food trucks alike came out to feed and support those working so diligently in and around the blast area:

Even concerned families from out of state gave generously:

And still more supporting The One Fund and Boston Children’s Hospital:

So kudos to all the food trucks, restaurants, and food service professionals who have given so much of their time, money, and culinary skills. You represent the strength, resilience, caring, and positive human spirit, not just in food service but throughout. #BostonStrong

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