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Places to go, places to eat, and other reflections

Garlic Soup

Garlic Soup

In the mythic lore of the Moveable Feast there...

Garlic Soup

Garlic Soup

In the mythic lore of the Moveable Feast there is one story that is passed down from feaster to feaster - The Mystery of the Garlic Soup. Legend has it that in one of the earliest Feasts, possibly the very first, there was one dish that was so awful, so inedible,...

The VGT Omnivore’s Hundred

The VGT Omnivore’s Hundred

Note: at some point the Very Good Taste blog and the original post ceased to exist Welcome to She's Almost Always Hungry. As this is my very first post, I thought it would be fun (and easy) to start with a post from another foodie blog, Very Good Taste - a list of 100...

Use your noodle during National Noodle Month

     “Noodles are not only amusing but delicious.” – Julia Child

Aloha! I'm Julie.

Welcome to She’s Almost Always Hungry. Join me as I share my food experiences, travel adventures, and recipes. I hope you enjoy them. I’d love to hear from you!


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Biscoff Tiffin displayed on a board